“Decide” is a thoughtful, interactive crime drama centered on the choice of one man. He holds his mortal enemy, a childhood friend, at gunpoint. Before pulling the trigger, three randomly-selected, emotional flashbacks show the breakdown of a bond they both thought would last a lifetime. Based on these flashbacks, you decide to kill a betrayer...or to save a friend. Memory is spotty at best, and each play-through gives a different flashback combination of the man whose life you hold in your hands.
We all may see the same movie, read the same book, and binge-watch the same TV shows, but their stories are uniquely ours. This game changes challenges the player to interpret each version of the story in a different way, and no two players walk away with the same impression. None of the memories have an obvious relationship to each other, and events may not unfold chronologically. Our project will make people realize and appreciate just how creative and unique they really are by how they connect the dots and create their own background story.
My Role
I was the Producer of the project where I worked on the concept, storyboard, direction, editing and interaction development. I created project timeline, defined the scope, planned production and did post-production. I used HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for interaction design for this project.
Story Development
We spent 2 weeks working on the story part to make it as engaging as possible. To achieve that, we came up with a number of good, bad and neutral stories that can trigger extreme hate or joy emotions for the users. We created storyboard with multiple iterations and decided on the top choices through an internal voting process, which a reached after doing user testing on our basic concept. We created project timeline with segmented work, requirements, direction and story bits. Once everything was planned out, we moved to the production phase.